The Heart Center, A Cyclone of Energy from Within
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Inhale. Hold the breath. Aad Guray Nameh, the primal light within. Sat, true, Siri, forever infinite, that teaching that comes down within. Exhale please. Inhale deep, Have the hands at the heart center. Hold the breath. Go within now and visualize this energy coming. Base of your spine, sitting in this cycle of energy. Being drawn upwards into the light, hold the breath. Right through the heart center. All this spinning energy and you’re sitting right in the center. Perfectly beautifully, being drawn upward. Effortlessly. And exhale.
Tags: awareness, breath, concentration, conscious, consciousness, dream, focus, heart, heart rate, intent, intention, kundalini, kundalini yoga, metabolism, prana, pranayam, pranayama, self awareness, stress, stress relief, subconscious, truth, universe, yoga, yoga class, yoga online, yoga practice, yoga video
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