- Come Back to Your Diaphragm
Runtime:78min Healing Ourselves with Kundalini This class is about opening the heart and elevating the kundalini energy with movement and breath to heal ourselves. By focusing our elevated energy with healing intent , together with subtle movement and awareness we are able to reinvigorate ourselves at a cellular level and aid our own body's defenses. ...
- Creating the Attributes of Consciousness
Runtime:87min The Technology of Yoga This is an energizing class from Kundalini Live focused on the bandhas, or body locks. These locks direct the prana and apana, the generative and eliminating energies. With continuing, deepening practice of the bandhas, the body systems are cleansed, restored, and refined through this circulation of kundalini energy. ...
- Rejoice in the Consciousness of Being Alive
The possibilities of the infinite are beckoning you, and the horizon of consciousness is available to you, right now, at this very moment. What personality can you choose to have that allows you to be conscious, to be radiant, to be beautiful, to be self aware and yet seamlessly merge into that infinite consciousness. How […]...
- Keeping Your Intent of Consciousness Intact
You train your ego, your self-awareness, to be of service to the higher intent of consciousness. You’re walking in your own mind, and that mind when you expand out to the higher centers becomes God itself. This requires that you have a very malleable ego, because your ego as it stands, to get you to […]...
- Attributes of Consciousness
Fearlessness, Grace, Awareness, Undying, Unborn, Infinite, and Love, that magical feeling, that selflessness within yourself. We all love to fall in Love, but that’s what you have to do, is fall. Love is when you surrender to that feeling of selflessness, and that’s what the spiritual path is about. You fall in love with the […]...