Tag: wellness


Yoga for Self Awareness


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Balance and peace of mind isn't something we find, we build it within ourselves. We have to be centered. We have to have that peaceful space that we can enter each day. Starting each morning in that infinite place within though sadhana, spiritual practice, sets the day up to its fullest potential.

Maya makes us believe that natural kundalini isn’t our birthright. Yet when we watch yoga videos, science shows us that pain dissolves. Yoga is the gateway to Kundalini and inner love energy. By cultivating meditation and eliminating hurry, our emotional meditation practice shifts when we practice yoga online. Develop warrior hips and hands with yoga, practice modifications in our power hatha yoga class. Workout the chakras in sirsasana and create energy and knowledge. Hare! Knees open in the potential of wellness through meditation. Connection helps wake though short classes, like Ravishankar’s mind we see irritability disappear and creativity, confident kundalini, and awakening, grow.

Tips for awareness: Releasing stress through Guided meditation, your body can know Krishna. Stabilize and improve inner strength by taking yoga classes online, and study this ancient Global mind practices to eliminate stressful elements. Peace exists as but a short connected class away. By utilizing matwork and ujjayi breath, we are able to center padma prana and connect to Ram loving. Yin yoga and workshops are taught through our yoga videos, and we get to decompress in this online yoga class. Kundalini Live helps burn karma through ritual vinyasa. Increase circulation in your anatomy through the movement of power and mind through physical kundalini.

Philosophy teaches love, bandha, and Sat: Sitting with free yoga videos, peaceful poses go straight to your head and cleanse it with happiness. Partner with our guru in light relaxing healing, learn posture yoga, as a fusion of physical respect and standing with Rattana. Become a dynamic healthy version of rejuvenation to be teaching balance and flow to everyone you meet. Siri means invigorating the breath like pilates while focusing on elimination in the power centers.

The Grace to make your Soul’s Journey with Nihal Kaur


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“Grace is the strength of Character to be you, and never let yourself down, or anyone else down.“ - Yogi Bhajan

Guru Ram Das. Guru Guru Waheguru. Sat siri. Sat Nam. We're about to rock a class on grace, grace as it pertains to our identities. Lift the sternum into the thumbs, elongate the head. Take a few deep breaths.

Let's synch our breaths together, squeeze out all the air, inhale inhale inhale, hold the breath, exhale. Ong Namo Gurudev Namo. Inhale deeply, connect with the sweet breath, connect with your soul right now, the base frequency beneath all experience. Connect with the soul's destiny, the bright light, all you we're meant to be.

Feel yourself being fully capable to be everything you are here to do, everything you are here to be. Breathe long and deep. Bring the legs together and stretch them into infinity. The neck comes into alignment. Keep the pelvis tilted up so the pelvis stays on the floor and keeps your back safe.

Blossom with each breath. What's perfect about the block? What is the opportunity to learn? How can I grow right now? This is grace. This is what blossoms us into learning what we have been resisting. Keep blossoming. In every moment whether we think there's something wrong or not, we have the opportunity to remember that we are divine, and that we belong to the divine.

In my myself I am yours. Even when life throws us a curveball, we can say "That's weird, but divine, I belong to you." Feel your gorgeous center. Resplendent.

Inhaling forward, exhaling back, inhaling Sat, exhaling Nam. It's the power of the rhythm with the breath, with the Mantra, that makes Kundalini Yoga so effective. The rhythm, with breath, with mantra. The three together catalyze your energy, catalyze you at a cellular level, in a way that you can experience your greatness in a way that you've never seen before. Catalyze your greatness and stick to it.

Your neck is the sacred bridge between your heart and your body. Show your love here, your conscious breath, your conscious motion. When you come into being with the truth of all things, you realize that it is always the choice to be a victim or a winner. It is how we tell the stories of our lives that creates new desires in ourselves to be liberated. Allow the self to be liberated and spoken.

This is called "Developing the power to win". This is a strong and fluid motion. Feel your body gaining strength. Do it as you listen to the mantra - "I am thine in my myself". Let your rhythm sync up to the rhythm of the music. Go within, and contemplate the very possibility that you belong to the divine. I am think in mine myself, Waheguru."

Yoga to Open the Shoulders and Reduce Tension (30 Min Class)


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Enjoy this high quality half hour yoga class to reduce tension in the shoulders and neck with Maria Johnson on Kundalini Live. Loosen tight shoulders with this spinal practice, learn about tensegrity, and experience cultivation of prime creator with these 30 min into-to-yoga shoulders exercises. Become a Shakti Warrior! Draw Attention to the shoulders to release tension. Externally rotate the shoulders back and allow them to come cascading to the earth. Let the shoulders do the work, externally rotate them back and down. Feel how they rise up as we breath, feel the tension cascading down toward the earth. Drawing with each rotation, drawing the shoulders down to the earth like coat sleeves.

Spirituality is the exploration of how we can use our own strength to stabilize our torso for balancing our entire lives. As we stay rooted and grounded, the head can fall back. Here we are teaching ourselves to use the breath again, allowing to create trust in our own bodies opportunity for growth. Let the muscles work and allow everything to relax as a result. Slow breathing in this class uses our posture of opening the knees. This is more of a Hatha style class where we deeply inhale and stimulate the energy channels in the sinuses and the sinus cavity, and simultaneously activate our bodies to put our minds in a place of compassion. Empowered wellness is possible when we practice this yoga sequence to manifest the intention to heal ourselves. Cool-down tension and inflammation by actually using your abs. Anatomical yoga uses breathing and releases as we use the strap for the shoulder rotations to be mindful. Vinyasa is a kind of dynamic relaxation, creating both body and mind flexibility.

Go as far as what is comfortable today, inhale and exhale, moving with the opening of our bodies. Improve your resistance to pain and your resilience as we enhance our life passion with observance through the movement of this Guided Meditation. Props are used to help our shoulders achieve inner rotation and have appropriate levels of pranayam. Graceful outreach into life is equivalent to the embracing of trying different ways to get something we've never had, and that means sometimes doing it differently.