Tag: tension


Members - Kundalini Foundations


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You’re in your sphere. The sphere is breathing you, pulling you apart. Movement of the ribs and diaphragm, long slow deep breath. Get that breath all the way up to the collar bone. Keep the energy contained in the sphere, try for no thinking. Remembrance of the oxygen molecule. Understanding that it is now interfacing with your blood, changing your whole resonance. The appreciation of this is true pranayama.

Kundalini Foundations


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You’re in your sphere. The sphere is breathing you, pulling you apart. Movement of the ribs and diaphragm, long slow deep breath. Get that breath all the way up to the collar bone. Keep the energy contained in the sphere, try for no thinking. Remembrance of the oxygen molecule. Understanding that it is now interfacing with your blood, changing your whole resonance. The appreciation of this is true pranayama.

Courage to Stand for Your Dreams with Nihal Kaur


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You have your vision in your sight. What does it take to realize it. What does it take to be there as a stand, to stand there for your dreams and desires, for all that you know to be true for life, to become everything you meant to be. It takes courage. Courage means heart. Yogis lead with their hearts because we invoke courage with our every step as we bring consciousness within every cell of our body.

Life Long Secrets of the Basics


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Pranayama is not just mechanical, it has a heart component. Just like a relationship, if you ignore someone they ignore you, but if you create an interest in someone then there is an energy flow that goes back and forth. In pranayama you’re doing the breathing but you’re also remembering that this oxygen molecule that you’re taking into your body came thru billions of years of evolution and amazing experimentation. It’s the total epiphany of I CAN. All the blocks that have tried to stop this evolution, then finally the ingeniousness of creation giving you the ability to exchange gases with trees. The remembrance of this and developing the appreciation of this is what opens up the pranayama.

Members - To Bridge the Conscious to the Subconscious


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All the things of value are found within. All the appreciation of the wonders of the universe start within. Without that joy of life within, none of the outward jewels and rubies, money, none of it matters, and none of it certainly has any value. Its always within and then without.

To Bridge the Conscious to the Subconscious


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All the things of value are found within. All the appreciation of the wonders of the universe start within. Without that joy of life within, none of the outward jewels and rubies, money, none of it matters, and none of it certainly has any value. Its always within and then without.

The Definition of Kundalini


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By raising our kundalini in the most definitive way, we are raising our personal vibration to stand firm in the hectic energy of daily life. Creating a calming, joyous place of beauty within we have a space we can step into to breathe and center ourselves when we get stressed out. This allows us the freedom to respond positively and productively to what life gives us rather than reacting based on the past programming of our bio-computers.

The path of yoga requires consistent yoga practice and regular attendance to class. Whether you practice at home or receive the medicine of this biomechanical workout at the studio, you must do to the yoga in order to see its benefits. Yoga is used for creating a dynamic ease in the spine. This class will get you rooted in minutes and have your heart flowing into your hips. Knowledge of yoga brings energy to destress your body. Kundalini is an energetic yoga practice, utilizing breath to calm the nervous elements.

In this class we study apana and prana, principles in an yogi's energitc environment for awakening conciousness. Yogi Bhajan tells us that the body is a conscious machine, a vessel to hold consciousness, and at the root a divine egoless presence. The mantra "Ek Ong Kar" cures depression and creates a force of light and love for all to master their mind.