Tag: strength


Strengthening the Abdomin


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Do what you can but don’t hurt yourself. This is somewhat of a strenuous class. Tune into your own bodies and do as good as you can. Each exercise is 2 minutes.
The mind is the computer that you use. The programming that you put into is the results of the environment and the consciousness that you subject yourself to. Why is it so important to put yourself around like minded people? It is to raise your vibration and change your circumstance so you have the support in your life to uplift your spirituality.

Turning the Passion of Life Into Compassion


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The Buddhists have a saying, that life is like falling in a well. When you realize that you’re falling in that well of consciousness, you realize how short life is and how precious life is. The only thing you can do is praise the creator and the creation and understand the beauty and the awesomeness of the universe around you and to live and walk in that beauty. Most important is to remember, always bring yourself back to your breath and always bring yourself to that horizon of infinity.

Members - There is no Difference Between You and the Light of God


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There’s an underlying sound vibration, and if you can catch that underlying sound vibration and if you can attach your conscious ego, as small as it may be, to it, you’re uplifted automatically and it takes you on this ride to the inter dimensional consciousness, all the way up to the top of the head, to the crown chakra, the thousand pedaled lotus, where the light of the universe shines down. The idea of this class is to make your personality so seamless that your light merges in that light effortlessly without fear. There is no difference between you and the light of God. .

There is no Difference Between You and the Light of God


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There’s an underlying sound vibration, and if you can catch that underlying sound vibration and if you can attach your conscious ego, as small as it may be, to it, you’re uplifted automatically and it takes you on this ride to the inter dimensional consciousness, all the way up to the top of the head, to the crown chakra, the thousand pedaled lotus, where the light of the universe shines down. The idea of this class is to make your personality so seamless that your light merges in that light effortlessly without fear. There is no difference between you and the light of God. .

Members - Breathing and Consciousness


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By practicing yoga you’ll achieve all sorts of powers. Its just the natural progression of consciousness. Somehow you must be trained or train yourself not to be tempted by the powers, not to be tempted by the ego. Self-policing is the hardest thing to do, almost impossible. Therefore, we do as a group together. We act as checks and balances to each other. We see the light reflected in each other. When that light is distorted by ego its our duty and joy to call that distortion to the attention to the person. There’s no one who is greater than another. We’re the same breath the same light.

Gathering and Preserving Prana


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As we focus the mind on the single intention of gathering energy and silencing the mind we allow ourselves the ability to transcend unconsciousness. Full of prana to sustain us we are able to go beyond the limitations of the mind and body. This is where real meditation starts.

We can sit and chant for hours, but unless we have the strength and willpower to practice yoga online and maintain the conscious state of being we all slip back into the dream state. Keep Up.

Think of this body as a conduit and receptacle for energy, life force. Most people live in their first three centers. Most people’s energy gets lost, leaks out through survival (living in this material world), through the sexual impulses (the most common one in this country), and through power (manipulating this world). The idea is you practice yoga seal off those lower centers. You eliminate those leaks of consciousness. You take that same energy and you transmute it. You transmute the base energy into spiritual, compassionate heart energy. It’s the same energy. Everything is the same. It’s the same currency we all use.

You take that base energy and you seal off the leaks, otherwise it just leaks out. It’s the same life pranic force. One of the ways of doing it is mulbandh, by pulling the root lock, pulling the sphincter muscle tight, diaphragm in, and physically sealing off the energy. Physically is just part of it, but you visually have to go within and feel the lower triangle as being sealed off. The energy is bouncing off the muladhara, starting that pathway the double helix back upwards. In the center of that swirling energy you are sitting and the white light is beckoning you. You start that elevator ride back up through the evolutionary chain, through all the possible dimensions, through all the different portals of consciousness, back to the white light. That’s what we do. We're here to create kundalini awakening.

Inhale. Stretch up. Pull the root lock. Put a pressure at the diaphragm. Pull the energy upward. Create this archetype form of consciousness where the energy is swirling upwards now. Exhale.

All the beauty, all the love, all the possible permutations are within your own self. All the personalities, all the incarnations are within your DNA cycle. We share that DNA. We share that double helix. That pattern, that template of consciousness, is the same template that you use in this spiritual journey. You place yourself in the center of that, as you have always been. You use that to elevate yourself out of this gravity well that we all live in, where light itself can escape. The idea that we are beings of light trapped in this body, trapped in this form, trapped in this gravity well, this singularity of consciousness. The way out is to become weightless. The way out is to seal off the energy and float upwards in the central channel of consciousness. So you have to become very small, as well as very large.

Strengthening the lower centers. Relax your breath, long and deep. Don’t let your mind wander. Stay present to this yoga training. Be aware of your breath. This will be your test in life of course, to always bring yourself back to the breath. You’ll learn that in this class if nothing else. In times of most stress, the times of the most problems in your life, the times when time itself becomes the darkest. Watch the full-length yoga class. That’s the time you come back to your breath and you remember who you really are. You remember that you are the light of this consciousness. This play of light and energy is you. That’s what it is, a play.

Members - The Level of Perfection is the Level of Balance


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It’s the little subtleties in life that affect us. They are cumulative, they add up. By working with the movements and the breath you change those subtleties back. You make this form again whole. You stretch all the different acupuncture points, the meridians, you bring them back aligned. This is how it works. Otherwise the subtleties of consciousness, the subtleties of holding yourself, a little cut you might get on your finger, even those small things affect the meridians and how the body gathers and collects the energy of life itself.

Breathing and Consciousness


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By practicing yoga you’ll achieve all sorts of powers. Its just the natural progression of consciousness. Somehow you must be trained or train yourself not to be tempted by the powers, not to be tempted by the ego. Self-policing is the hardest thing to do, almost impossible. Therefore, we do as a group together. We act as checks and balances to each other. We see the light reflected in each other. When that light is distorted by ego its our duty and joy to call that distortion to the attention to the person. There’s no one who is greater than another. We’re the same breath the same light.

Members - Balance, Harmony, Compassion


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The least you’ll get from yoga is a healthy body. One that works properly, for you, and that’s just step one. Teaching your mind to be balanced and sub-servient to you, your soul. This is step two. Quieting the mind, listening to your breath, and finding the deeper sounds within, step three. Step four is unifying all of your whole being in pursue of the radiance within you.

The Level of Perfection is the Level of Balance


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It’s the little subtleties in life that affect us. They are cumulative, they add up. By working with the movements and the breath you change those subtleties back. You make this form again whole. You stretch all the different acupuncture points, the meridians, you bring them back aligned. This is how it works. Otherwise the subtleties of consciousness, the subtleties of holding yourself, a little cut you might get on your finger, even those small things affect the meridians and how the body gathers and collects the energy of life itself.