Tag: prana


Preliminaries of Kundalini


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You have to control your mind, you have to control your thoughts and we do that with imagination. We use our minds to imagine hallow legs, sphere surrounding our body, etc., and this eventually becomes reality, if you focus on it. From Mark 11:23 “Truly I say to you who ever says to this mountain, be taken up and cast to the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes what he is saying is going to happen, it shall be granted. Therefore I say to you all things that you pray and ask believe that you have received them and they shall be granted you.” This yoga is very much like that, it is an affirmative. You have to believe that what you are doing is actually happening. .

Member - A Summer Solstice Class


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It all comes back to remembering who you are and taking that chance to realize that you are infinite, that you have the energy of all creation within this human form. Taking that chance that this is really true and expanding your consciousness, expanding your ego sense to be able to understand it, to live in it, and to rejoice in it. Otherwise you stay in the dream, this little dream of your own ego.

Members - Agitate the Energy Build It Up then Capture It


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Pranayama is to warm up and get the nadis open and then to contain the energy so that the energy builds. Kundalini is very simple, it follows basic physics, compression creates heat, and you hold the compression, and more heat turns into lite. We compress and contain all this energy and from the center it comes out, it fills the nadis and goes out to the auric fields.

A Summer Solstice Class


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It all comes back to remembering who you are and taking that chance to realize that you are infinite, that you have the energy of all creation within this human form. Taking that chance that this is really true and expanding your consciousness, expanding your ego sense to be able to understand it, to live in it, and to rejoice in it. Otherwise you stay in the dream, this little dream of your own ego.

Members - How to Channel and Control your Energy Flow


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Everything is an archetype movement. There are certain basic channels and flows of energy that this human archetype goes thru. There are certain interdimensional connections that you can make called chakras. They are part of the elevator of this undying sound current, this ocean of awareness, which we all live in. As you change your frequency of vibration, as you open up each chakra, as you open up each dimension of consciousness it uplifts you and uplifts the creation around you.

Agitate the Energy Build It Up then Capture It


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Pranayama is to warm up and get the nadis open and then to contain the energy so that the energy builds. Kundalini is very simple, it follows basic physics, compression creates heat, and you hold the compression, and more heat turns into lite. We compress and contain all this energy and from the center it comes out, it fills the nadis and goes out to the auric fields.

Members - The Power of Prayer with Nihal Kaur


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Our prayers are most effective when they are in the service of something greater than us. I can pray all I want for a new phone or for a new car or whatever. But it’s totally self-serving and there is no power in that. Power is when we pray selflessly, when we pray for something greater than us. When we get to that place when it’s not my will, it’s not they will, it’s our will. When you come from your highest self you are one with the divine, and what blesses the world blesses you, and what blesses you, blesses the world. This is what we tap into for prayer on the path of our destiny. Your true power lies in your Prayer. Access that power.

Yoga Set: Accessing the Source of Strength in You Mantra: Narayan: Nurtures the Divine identity within you so that your Soul can bloom into its full beauty and grace.

How to Channel and Control your Energy Flow


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Everything is an archetype movement. There are certain basic channels and flows of energy that this human archetype goes thru. There are certain interdimensional connections that you can make called chakras. They are part of the elevator of this undying sound current, this ocean of awareness, which we all live in. As you change your frequency of vibration, as you open up each chakra, as you open up each dimension of consciousness it uplifts you and uplifts the creation around you.

The Power of Prayer with Nihal Kaur


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Our prayers are most effective when they are in the service of something greater than us. I can pray all I want for a new phone or for a new car or whatever. But it’s totally self-serving and there is no power in that. Power is when we pray selflessly, when we pray for something greater than us. When we get to that place when it’s not my will, it’s not they will, it’s our will. When you come from your highest self you are one with the divine, and what blesses the world blesses you, and what blesses you, blesses the world. This is what we tap into for prayer on the path of our destiny. Your true power lies in your Prayer. Access that power.

Yoga Set: Accessing the Source of Strength in You Mantra: Narayan: Nurtures the Divine identity within you so that your Soul can bloom into its full beauty and grace.

The Ocean of Consensus Reality


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Long and deep breathing. Don’t be distracted by your mind. Go within now and feel that light. Feel yourself before you were actually born. Feel that state of consciousness that you had before you actually emerged into this body. As the Zen master would say, “See your face before you were born.” What was that face? Meditate deeply on that. What is that essence of you that is and animates this body? What is that essence of you that transcend life and death? What is that continuity of consciousness that crosses over dream to wake, sleep to awakened consciousness? What is that thread that let’s you travel between those two points? How do we make that transition? We do it every time we go to sleep, but how do we do it consciously? How do we walk in our dreams consciously, and why shouldn’t we? How do we traverse between life and death? Why shouldn’t we? Why shouldn’t we consciously? It’s about frequency of vibration. If you exist in the first three centers you become trapped, and your conscious cannot make that transition between wake and sleep, between life and death. If you elevate your heart center you become light enough, free enough, that the transition between the truth of who you are and your consciousness is made.

This is balancing the lower spine, the first three centers. Just by doing these simple exercises you change everything in your life. Your life becomes perfect. It’s that simple, but you have to do it.

The transition between life and death. We should have that power as the transition between sleep and wake. It requires that you balance your energy. It requires that you seal off your lower centers. It requires that you don’t leak out. It requires that your intent of consciousness is to become awake, not more asleep. To make your intent, and always define your intent to yourself, is very yogic and very helpful. Make a declaration to yourself of your intent in life. If your intent is to become awake, if your intent is to become conscious of that passageway between wake and sleep, between life and death, this is the path of kundalini yoga.

We all make that transition. We just don’t make it consciously. By sealing off the lower centers, taking that same energy and sitting yourself in the center of that swirling energy totally relaxed, totally at peace. Feeling those currents of energy creating a vacuum that actually floats you upwards in the center. As your sitting in the swirling of energy, the filaments are lit up. You become merged in the light of the universe. That light of the universe is the same as your light. The two lights merge into each other, the prana and the apana. It happens at the heart.

You have to stretch your spine. Find a rhythm. Inhaling Wah, Exhaling Guru. Wah means infinity. Guru means dispeller of darkness, the enlightener. Not a person, although it can be many persons. If you’re a Christian, it’ll be Jesus. It doesn’t really matter. The idea is that your enlightener is the one that takes the darkness away. Whoever that is for you, whatever that is for you, is the guru.

Following the breath, sealing off lower triangle, using the mind to free itself. (programming default modes in your bio-computer to infinite horizons. The tools to watch your mind from the perspective of pure awareness. Balance and Joy!