Tag: online yoga class


Members - Kindling the Agni


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Although there are certain areas of the body that have more fire, fire is responsible for transformation, digestion, assimilation, and metabolism. It’s in every cell of your being and it’s known as Agni. When our Agni is balanced, our fire element is healthy, we have a good appetite, we digest our food well, we digest our experiences well, and there is a lightness in the body after we eat. We have clarity in our mind. As we move thru winter and spring when there is not as much fire in the environment, we need to bring a little more fire element out in our bodies, thru our yoga practice, thru our diet, and thru our lifestyle.

Step Into Your Grit with Nihal Kaur


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Step Into Your Grit with Nihal Kaur Navigating our own sacred path requires grit and determination. Grit is defined as firmness of mind or spirit : unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger. When things get rough we need our deepest strength to bring us to a place of expansion instead of fear and collapse. Breath into difficulty. It's our job to find the infinity of truth within us.

Kindling the Agni


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Although there are certain areas of the body that have more fire, fire is responsible for transformation, digestion, assimilation, and metabolism. It’s in every cell of your being and it’s known as Agni. When our Agni is balanced, our fire element is healthy, we have a good appetite, we digest our food well, we digest our experiences well, and there is a lightness in the body after we eat. We have clarity in our mind. As we move thru winter and spring when there is not as much fire in the environment, we need to bring a little more fire element out in our bodies, thru our yoga practice, thru our diet, and thru our lifestyle.

Members - Kundalini Foundations


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You’re in your sphere. The sphere is breathing you, pulling you apart. Movement of the ribs and diaphragm, long slow deep breath. Get that breath all the way up to the collar bone. Keep the energy contained in the sphere, try for no thinking. Remembrance of the oxygen molecule. Understanding that it is now interfacing with your blood, changing your whole resonance. The appreciation of this is true pranayama.

Discerning Intellect of the Yogic Form


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We strengthen the body with yoga. We strengthen the breathing with pranayam, the breath. By strengthening the body, strengthening the nervous system it allows the energy to manifest itself. When the kundalini does happen to you, when the energy, the primal force of life, manifests itself in this body the yoga becomes natural. The body automatically does these postures. The breathing becomes natural. It’s a way that programmed chemically into your DNA. Nobody ever gets that and when it does happen, if you’re not prepared, if your body is not strong, if your nervous system is weak it freaks you out. It causes problems, because you’ve been too lax.

So we train ourselves in yoga to be strong, to be radiant, to control the energy, to be awake enough so when that blessing of kundalini does happen that this body and this mind, that you have made up over these years, is strong enough to handle it. You have a matrix of consciousness to handle the experience, because all the sudden you’re going to be confronting infinity. You’re gonna be seeing the light of the universe in front of you. You’re gonna be meeting with Jesus, Mohammed, whoever your guru is. You’re gonna be meeting that form of consciousness. You have to have a stable mind to deal with that, ‘cause what are you going to say? “Hi, how are you?”

The idea is to create a worthiness in yourself, and you are all worthy of that, because you are the same light. There’s no difference in the light that makes up any of us. You have to create that worthiness in your mind so when you have that experience the position of your consciousness merges easy, seamlessly into that infinite consciousness. Otherwise it’s too much for you. Otherwise you’ve forgotten to bring your clothes to the dance. So we train ourselves to be worthy beings of our own light.

Sit in easy pose. Let your breath be relaxed. Now take an inventory of your body. See what is painful. See what is not straight. Try to straighten that out. Try to relax your body. Go inside. Feel any tension. Relax it. Everything is straight and perfect. Go within now. Feel the energy swirling around you. Visual these currents of energy swirling. Feel this double helix of swirling energy, and you’re sitting in it. This is the evolutionary pathway. We’ve added to this helix. We’ve added chromosomes. Through the countless incarnations we built this human form. It’s not an accident. We’ve taken the time to build this human form. We’ve taken the time, chromosome by chromosome to add to the double helix to create this form. Now is the time to use this form, not to fall asleep.

Give yourself a twist right and left. Feel comfortable in this body. Feel comfortable and joyful. In your mind place yourself on infinite horizon, nothing supporting you below. This earth is immaterial, it doesn’t exist. Nothing on either side, nothing above you but the infinite sky. Be sitting in that level of consciousness where you’re floating in your own self. Make the connection with this archetype form that you’ve created over all these incarnations. Feel that same swirling energy of that double helix that you’re following for millions of lifetimes. Sit in the center of that energy with your consciousness. This is the way back home. In the center of that swirling energy of the lights that are spinning around you, the filaments that are being enlightened with your own life, your prana. Sit in the center of that tunnel of consciousness. Look upwards through the top of your head and feel the cathedral of consciousness opening, all the filaments glowing. Through the top of this cathedral of your own self divine light comes pouring down.

Gravity naturally wants to pull the energy down and keep it in our three lower centers, security, sensation, and power. Breath of Fire acts as the bellows stoking the fire within our core, gathering the life force. Learning to use the bandhas (locks) we can stop the flow of prana and allow the heat we’ve built to rise into our heart and higher centers of consciousness. Once there we can notice where we feel pain, or discomfort, and provide it with the energy needed to overcome even the hardest of obstacles.

Kundalini Foundations


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You’re in your sphere. The sphere is breathing you, pulling you apart. Movement of the ribs and diaphragm, long slow deep breath. Get that breath all the way up to the collar bone. Keep the energy contained in the sphere, try for no thinking. Remembrance of the oxygen molecule. Understanding that it is now interfacing with your blood, changing your whole resonance. The appreciation of this is true pranayama.

Courage to Stand for Your Dreams with Nihal Kaur


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You have your vision in your sight. What does it take to realize it. What does it take to be there as a stand, to stand there for your dreams and desires, for all that you know to be true for life, to become everything you meant to be. It takes courage. Courage means heart. Yogis lead with their hearts because we invoke courage with our every step as we bring consciousness within every cell of our body.

Members - Keeping Your Intent of Consciousness Intact


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You train your ego, your self-awareness, to be of service to the higher intent of consciousness. You’re walking in your own mind, and that mind when you expand out to the higher centers becomes God itself. This requires that you have a very malleable ego, because your ego as it stands, to get you to that rarefied space cannot live in that rarefied space. It’s like wearing muddy work boots into the church, you need to leave them outside. Your ego holds the intent in this physical form, but don’t be over attached to it and don’t confuse your ego with who you really are.

Keeping Your Intent of Consciousness Intact


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You train your ego, your self-awareness, to be of service to the higher intent of consciousness. You’re walking in your own mind, and that mind when you expand out to the higher centers becomes God itself. This requires that you have a very malleable ego, because your ego as it stands, to get you to that rarefied space cannot live in that rarefied space. It’s like wearing muddy work boots into the church, you need to leave them outside. Your ego holds the intent in this physical form, but don’t be over attached to it and don’t confuse your ego with who you really are.

Members - Protection of Your Magnetic Field


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It’s very easy to get high in yoga, but the goal is to become very balanced. This class is for the protection of your health and well-being on both physical and psychic levels. Living the path of a householder is tough. There are always weaknesses in your magnetic field which are exploited. But as a yogi you have to become conscious of them and you have to learn to seal off the weak points. You have to compensate for the points which you are weak in.