Tag: movement


Members - The Grace of Intent


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When you tune into the infinite expansion and contraction, when you allow yourself to feel that within yourself, it creates the double helix, right and left, Ida-Pingala waves, and in the center of those wave is your pathway of light and consciousness. It’s always the frequency of the vibration between large small, right left, light and dark. The frequency of the contrast determines your life. This is how you judge, this is how you deal with being a yogi. You change your frequency to match the frequency that you’re trying to tune into.

The Grace of Intent


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When you tune into the infinite expansion and contraction, when you allow yourself to feel that within yourself, it creates the double helix, right and left, Ida-Pingala waves, and in the center of those wave is your pathway of light and consciousness. It’s always the frequency of the vibration between large small, right left, light and dark. The frequency of the contrast determines your life. This is how you judge, this is how you deal with being a yogi. You change your frequency to match the frequency that you’re trying to tune into.

Members - Explorers of the Uncharted Regions of Consciousness


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Just when you think it’s the hardest in your life, just when you’re very irritated, take that moment of the most stress and remind yourself, with your breath, that you’re an infinite being in this awesome outrages life where beauty, consciousness, and the wonder of it all is there for you to experience. Be kind to yourself, take that moment during the day, to remind yourself, and you’ll find that as you do, these moments will become more and more frequent, until you, with every breath you take, will remind yourself of that state of consciousness. And it becomes natural, just as natural as breathing.

Explorers of the Uncharted Regions of Consciousness


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Just when you think it’s the hardest in your life, just when you’re very irritated, take that moment of the most stress and remind yourself, with your breath, that you’re an infinite being in this awesome outrages life where beauty, consciousness, and the wonder of it all is there for you to experience. Be kind to yourself, take that moment during the day, to remind yourself, and you’ll find that as you do, these moments will become more and more frequent, until you, with every breath you take, will remind yourself of that state of consciousness. And it becomes natural, just as natural as breathing.

Members - Walking in the Mind of God


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When you start the spiritual journey you embark upon that path has no ending and its destination constantly recedes from you as you closer to it. The landmarks on which you need to take on this journey change according to the person. There are no set rules. Basic ideas, consciousness of humility, service and love. Those are the basic requirements of this journey.

Walking in the Mind of God


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When you start the spiritual journey you embark upon that path has no ending and its destination constantly recedes from you as you closer to it. The landmarks on which you need to take on this journey change according to the person. There are no set rules. Basic ideas, consciousness of humility, service and love. Those are the basic requirements of this journey.

Members - On the Cutting Edge of Consciousness


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Using this body as a conduit of energy follow your breath. As you breathe in thru both nostrils, fill both the breaths coming in and visualize them to the base of your spine to the Mooladhara assuming that the spinal column is a conduit for this energy. As both breaths meet at the base you visualize the spiraling energy on both sides of your spine. This is the same template that carries thru all of life, but you’re sitting in the center of that now using this body as a channel for your consciousness, learning the ways to activate the kundalini, the centers of consciousness, the dimensions, the realms and ultimately the light of the universe itself.

On the Cutting Edge of Consciousness


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Using this body as a conduit of energy follow your breath. As you breathe in thru both nostrils, fill both the breaths coming in and visualize them to the base of your spine to the Mooladhara assuming that the spinal column is a conduit for this energy. As both breaths meet at the base you visualize the spiraling energy on both sides of your spine. This is the same template that carries thru all of life, but you’re sitting in the center of that now using this body as a channel for your consciousness, learning the ways to activate the kundalini, the centers of consciousness, the dimensions, the realms and ultimately the light of the universe itself.

Awakening Within the Dream of Life


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With our intention set to experience consciousness through unconditional love we free ourselves from the limitations of the conditioned mind. This freedom allows us to see how the energy flows, and understand why things happen in our lives. As we open ourselves allowing the prana to flow freely though us we are able to transcend time and space. The infinite horizon of potential is opened to us. The thousand petal lotus, crown center, blooms and we awaken to what we truly are.

Expand yourself. This is the pathway out of this dream. This is the elevator of consciousness that allows you to transition between wake and sleep, between life and death. Find the pathways. Let yourself become weightless. Start to levitate within yourself. Merge in the light, seamlessly back to the origin of consciousness. This is the experience of God within yourself. Keep up.

We just talk to ourselves. God talking to God. Reminding each other of the radiance within.

Relax your breath. Sit within. Let your breath become very long and deep. Feel the change. This is the beginning of the meditative mind. Meditation starts when you can transition between wake and sleep, when you can become awake in your dream state, when the conscious and subconscious are no longer different. This is the beginning of meditation. Meditation is not just sitting and thinking, or not thinking. It’s actually experiencing the astral realms, the realms beyond, and becoming part of that infinite landscape, that infinite horizon of possible futures. Seeing yourself reflected in all the beings in this world. Welcome home.

Members - Balancing the Ida and Pingala Nadis


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The silencing of the thought waves of the mind is the true definition of yoga. The postures and the breathing lead you to the point where you can silence the thought wave of the mind, so you can achieve that witness space, that separation between your mind and your true essence, the light within. The mind is your tool, you can train it very well, but it’s not you. This tool is for channeling the kundalini energy, this primal force, which starts at the Muladhara chakra, the base, and winds up to the crown center.