Tag: movement


Aura Expansion


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Placing our bodies into archetypical postures (asanas) causes the energy within our system to flow more efficiently. As we utilize the breath through pranayam we are able to control the chattering of the mind and reprogram it through the use of mantras and affirmations.

Once in a state of balance we can supercharge our bio-computers with prana and ride the force of creation to our fullest potential!

Yoga is not an intellectual exercise. Its a holistic experience for your body and mind. Inhale up, shoulders are back, chin is down, everything in line, pull the spine, lower centers sealed up. Vibrate upwards, change the frequency. You are coming from the heart. Compassion, selflessness. Exhale relax your breath, eyes are closed, spine is straight.

Members - Enlightenment is a Choice


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Pursuing enlightenment is a choice we make before we come to class. One born of personal commitment and service to each other. Kundalini Yoga is a valuable tool and powerful support system for personal exploration and spiritual growth. Join teacher Kirantana as he employs kundalini and the element of fire in tonight's class

Enlightenment is a Choice


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Pursuing enlightenment is a choice we make before we come to class. One born of personal commitment and service to each other. Kundalini Yoga is a valuable tool and powerful support system for personal exploration and spiritual growth. Join teacher Kirantana as he employs kundalini and the element of fire in tonight's class

Members - Having Access to Your Inner Light


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The infinitely big and the infinitely small are the polarities you must exist in. Very small ego but very large consciousness. It requires sacrifice, but the rewards of that sacrifice are infinite. What created this personality that is you? What are you holding on to, what fears what hopes? What are you afraid of losing, what are you afraid of gaining? You must be aware. You can’t surrender to everything and yet you must surrender to everything. In this mountain analog of consciousness that we’re climbing, that path is always receding, the destination gets farther away as you get closer. And hopefully with just the right amount of luck and consciousness, you’ll just trick yourself into it, and you’ll slip across that border, and you’ll be there, and who you’ll meet is yourself, your infinite light consciousness.

Having Access to Your Inner Light


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The infinitely big and the infinitely small are the polarities you must exist in. Very small ego but very large consciousness. It requires sacrifice, but the rewards of that sacrifice are infinite. What created this personality that is you? What are you holding on to, what fears what hopes? What are you afraid of losing, what are you afraid of gaining? You must be aware. You can’t surrender to everything and yet you must surrender to everything. In this mountain analog of consciousness that we’re climbing, that path is always receding, the destination gets farther away as you get closer. And hopefully with just the right amount of luck and consciousness, you’ll just trick yourself into it, and you’ll slip across that border, and you’ll be there, and who you’ll meet is yourself, your infinite light consciousness.

Members - Mantra Yoga Long Ek Ong Kars


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The mantra is Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru. The meaning is “One creator created this creation. Truth is His Name. Great beyond description is His Infinite Wisdom.” This mantra has many names including “Morning Call”, and “Long Ek Ong Kars". This mantra engages the Kundalini energy and creates a connection between our soul and the Universal Soul. You can extend this chant to up to 2 1/2 hours. In this class basic warmup start off the class then appox one hour of Long Ek Ong Kars followed by Gong and wahe gurus.

Virtue is the Light of Consciousness within each Being


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By releasing our ego to the guru principle (all events and relationships that remove our darkness), the mind easily engages in humble cleansing. Kundalini awakening is what happens when our energy centers are filled with pure light. By doing Kundalini yoga, the anatomy of our hands and knees and spine is fundamentally strengthened to prepare for such an awakening.

We are able to relax into right relationship with the coming age through siri meditation. The practice is non-dogmatic, suitable for all faiths, based in science and the ancient power of our dynamic potential. Get connected to find peace in your awareness. Meditation brings knowledge, and true knowledge can result in karma modifications. Through kundalini meditation and gong, you can build within yourself a philosophy of love. Kundalini is the warrior’s creativity.

These poses create happiness within, which is our natural state. Kundalini yoga allows us to experience peace as we cleanse stuck energy. This movement, breath, and matwork is the key to an open heart and freedom from pain. Ujjayi (warrior’s breath) is a way to cultivate your power as you move toward atma jnana, the realization that one's true self is one with all that is.

Mantra Yoga Long Ek Ong Kars


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The mantra is Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru. The meaning is “One creator created this creation. Truth is His Name. Great beyond description is His Infinite Wisdom.” This mantra has many names including “Morning Call”, and “Long Ek Ong Kars". This mantra engages the Kundalini energy and creates a connection between our soul and the Universal Soul. You can extend this chant to up to 2 1/2 hours. In this class basic warmup start off the class then appox one hour of Long Ek Ong Kars followed by Gong and wahe gurus.

Members - Conscious Healing


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Conscious Healing "Change is the only real constant" Consciousness unlocks and directs vast stores of healing life energy as the unconscious blocks we've carefully placed in our way give way. Health is achieved by strengthening and improving our connection to the life energy, peace, compassion and love that surrounds each and every one of us

Conscious Healing


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Conscious Healing "Change is the only real constant" Consciousness unlocks and directs vast stores of healing life energy as the unconscious blocks we've carefully placed in our way give way. Health is achieved by strengthening and improving our connection to the life energy, peace, compassion and love that surrounds each and every one of us