Tag: meditation


Members - Kundalini Foundations


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You’re in your sphere. The sphere is breathing you, pulling you apart. Movement of the ribs and diaphragm, long slow deep breath. Get that breath all the way up to the collar bone. Keep the energy contained in the sphere, try for no thinking. Remembrance of the oxygen molecule. Understanding that it is now interfacing with your blood, changing your whole resonance. The appreciation of this is true pranayama.

Kundalini Foundations


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You’re in your sphere. The sphere is breathing you, pulling you apart. Movement of the ribs and diaphragm, long slow deep breath. Get that breath all the way up to the collar bone. Keep the energy contained in the sphere, try for no thinking. Remembrance of the oxygen molecule. Understanding that it is now interfacing with your blood, changing your whole resonance. The appreciation of this is true pranayama.

Courage to Stand for Your Dreams with Nihal Kaur


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You have your vision in your sight. What does it take to realize it. What does it take to be there as a stand, to stand there for your dreams and desires, for all that you know to be true for life, to become everything you meant to be. It takes courage. Courage means heart. Yogis lead with their hearts because we invoke courage with our every step as we bring consciousness within every cell of our body.

Life Long Secrets of the Basics


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Pranayama is not just mechanical, it has a heart component. Just like a relationship, if you ignore someone they ignore you, but if you create an interest in someone then there is an energy flow that goes back and forth. In pranayama you’re doing the breathing but you’re also remembering that this oxygen molecule that you’re taking into your body came thru billions of years of evolution and amazing experimentation. It’s the total epiphany of I CAN. All the blocks that have tried to stop this evolution, then finally the ingeniousness of creation giving you the ability to exchange gases with trees. The remembrance of this and developing the appreciation of this is what opens up the pranayama.

Alchemy of Yoga


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Energizing yoga can help transmutation, using the sound of gong. Energizing yoga helps awaken energy centers, and energy channels. Experience our full potential, and overcome obstacles through self-expression.

Be very conscious of your breath. The breath is how you control this bio-computer. You’ve taken the time, your life, to program it so far. The only way to gain control of it is through your breath. So be conscious of each breath. See if you can actually stay with the breath and not be distracted by your mind. Not let yourself daydream. Not think of something else that you’d rather be doing. Just be here now. Inhaling Wah, Exhaling Guru, long and deep.

Called by practitioners "the yoga of awareness", it focuses on "the expansion of sensory awareness and intuition in order to raise individual consciousness" and aims "to cultivate the creative spiritual potential of a human to uphold values, speak truth, and focus on the compassion and consciousness needed to serve and heal others." "Kundalini Yoga consists of active and passive asana-based kriyas, pranayama, and meditations which target the whole body system (nervous system, glands, mental faculties, chakras) to develop awareness, consciousness and spiritual strength." —Yogi Bhajan

Aura Expansion


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Placing our bodies into archetypical postures (asanas) causes the energy within our system to flow more efficiently. As we utilize the breath through pranayam we are able to control the chattering of the mind and reprogram it through the use of mantras and affirmations.

Once in a state of balance we can supercharge our bio-computers with prana and ride the force of creation to our fullest potential!

Yoga is not an intellectual exercise. Its a holistic experience for your body and mind. Inhale up, shoulders are back, chin is down, everything in line, pull the spine, lower centers sealed up. Vibrate upwards, change the frequency. You are coming from the heart. Compassion, selflessness. Exhale relax your breath, eyes are closed, spine is straight.

Virtue is the Light of Consciousness within each Being


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By releasing our ego to the guru principle (all events and relationships that remove our darkness), the mind easily engages in humble cleansing. Kundalini awakening is what happens when our energy centers are filled with pure light. By doing Kundalini yoga, the anatomy of our hands and knees and spine is fundamentally strengthened to prepare for such an awakening.

We are able to relax into right relationship with the coming age through siri meditation. The practice is non-dogmatic, suitable for all faiths, based in science and the ancient power of our dynamic potential. Get connected to find peace in your awareness. Meditation brings knowledge, and true knowledge can result in karma modifications. Through kundalini meditation and gong, you can build within yourself a philosophy of love. Kundalini is the warrior’s creativity.

These poses create happiness within, which is our natural state. Kundalini yoga allows us to experience peace as we cleanse stuck energy. This movement, breath, and matwork is the key to an open heart and freedom from pain. Ujjayi (warrior’s breath) is a way to cultivate your power as you move toward atma jnana, the realization that one's true self is one with all that is.

Members - Elevation of the Soul to the Infinite Realms


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We gather energy in life and then we give it away. The idea is that we lift the consciousness around us and create a future for the generations coming that’s uplifted and hopeful, that lives in joy and has the potential to live in love. Giving that hope to the future is really what we do.

Members - Gathering and Balancing Everyday Life


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It’s nice to have the mental idea of oneness, but the life of that, and the living of that idea is what we want, where every breath becomes the beauty, the grace, the wonder, and the celebration of that consciousness. The stronger you get the more balanced you get the more of that beauty manifests around you. Beauty attracts beauty and consciousness attracts consciousness. When you live in that grace the intent of your entire being becomes that light and everyone you meet responds to that light.

Elevation of the Soul to the Infinite Realms


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We gather energy in life and then we give it away. The idea is that we lift the consciousness around us and create a future for the generations coming that’s uplifted and hopeful, that lives in joy and has the potential to live in love. Giving that hope to the future is really what we do.