Tag: intuition


Members - Cleansing the Endocrine System


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Its always back to the breath. Tuning into your body and seeing what it needs and not listening to the consumerism and the illusionary world but tuning into the inner self, your inner light. Seeing the balance in your body and finding what things are out of balance. Seeing what you really want in life, seeing what really makes you happy. Ultimately its your health and your breath, and everything comes from the heart center. When you fall in love with your inner light then it doesn’t matter what you have, or you don’t have. Everything will happen to you as it is supposed to.

Cleansing the Endocrine System


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Its always back to the breath. Tuning into your body and seeing what it needs and not listening to the consumerism and the illusionary world but tuning into the inner self, your inner light. Seeing the balance in your body and finding what things are out of balance. Seeing what you really want in life, seeing what really makes you happy. Ultimately its your health and your breath, and everything comes from the heart center. When you fall in love with your inner light then it doesn’t matter what you have, or you don’t have. Everything will happen to you as it is supposed to.

Members - Becoming an Archetype Form


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Out of all the possible incarnations, this spirit of the universe is incarnated in this human form. And this human form has not only the power to condition its reality, but the power to uncondition its reality. And that power that vision is more important. We condition it by living in this world, the Maya, the illusionary world, the material world. But beyond this material world, this mental world, lives an infinite VISTA of consciousness where all possibilities, all permutations of reality are possible. In that mental mind, in that meditative mind, you become the human archetype itself. And as human archetype becomes lit up with the prana, the life force, it becomes a channel for the consciousness of the universe. And that's what you're doing here. You're becoming an archetype form. You're following the DNA, to its logical and ultimate conclusion.

To Be A Real Human Being


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Discovering tools that we can use daily to energize our bio-computers when our operating system is overloaded with spam and junk mail. Activating and balancing our energy centers and learning to gather and move life force through our body to create the beautiful radiant humans that we truly are.

Be very conscious of your breath as you practice yoga online. The breath is how you control this bio-computer. You’ve taken the time, your life, to program it so far. The only way to gain control of it is through your breath. So be conscious of each breath. See if you can actually stay with the breath and not be distracted by your mind. Not let yourself daydream. Not think of something else that you’d rather be doing. Just be here now. Inhaling Wah, Exhaling Guru, long and deep. Watch yoga videos to see how best to do it.

Triangle pose is one of those positions where if you practice it, it tells you what is wrong with your body. If it’s hard for you, or if there’s pain in your side for example, then there is a problem with either your gallbladder or your liver. So the idea is to do this pose for a minute each day and just take an inventory of your body. See how your feel. Cause it should be natural and easy. It aligns the magnetic field. It puts all the meridians back in the proper frequency. A really simple exercise, but it requires that you just take a minute and do it.

When we do a set of exercises, it’s called a kriya. We do a set of exercises that flow together and that hopefully have a theme. The theme tonight is overall health of your body physically, the strength of your aura, your frequency and your magnetic field.

We are beings of light that inhabit this physical body, this human archetype, this journey of DNA that we’ve all made. The idea in yoga gives you the power to have the control, not only of this body, but of your mind. You have to make that distinction, as a yogi, between you and your mind. That means you have to go into meditation, deep silence within, and try to find your real essence, the light that illuminates this body. That’s really the purpose of this life.

The purpose of this class is to give you some clues through our yoga videos about how to get back to that point of origin, that point that we all started from, that bindu, that place where it took two bodies to make one.

So it’s your job as a human being, a being with an aura, a hue, to find the origin of that aura, of that light. Differentiate that light and the physical manifestations, the symptoms, of that light. So you have to have a discerning intellect. Doesn’t mean you have to be intellectual. It just means you have to be aware and not be taken in by the illusion that’s constantly put in front of you, not only this material world but of your own mind. You have to have that discerning part of you that sits back in this body cave and observes the truth with joy and wonder, because it is an infinite horizon that you live on. That infinite horizon is always beckoning. You have to be able to stand on the precipice of that horizon, that cliff overlooking all eternity. You have to have the presence of mind to just laugh and be joyful in that experience.

Hold the breath. Seal off the lower triangle. Put a pressure at the sphincter muscle, put a pressure at the diaphragm. Physically feel as through you’re pulling the energy upward or sealing off the lower centers. You’re eliminating the leaks of consciousness, the leaks of energy. Exhale. Relax your breath, long and deep. Stay centered within.

Becoming an Archetype Form


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Out of all the possible incarnations, this spirit of the universe is incarnated in this human form. And this human form has not only the power to condition its reality, but the power to uncondition its reality. And that power that vision is more important. We condition it by living in this world, the Maya, the illusionary world, the material world. But beyond this material world, this mental world, lives an infinite VISTA of consciousness where all possibilities, all permutations of reality are possible. In that mental mind, in that meditative mind, you become the human archetype itself. And as human archetype becomes lit up with the prana, the life force, it becomes a channel for the consciousness of the universe. And that's what you're doing here. You're becoming an archetype form. You're following the DNA, to its logical and ultimate conclusion.

Members - Perseverance


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When you practice kundalini yoga it is important that you remain precise in your consciousness. Just a slight fluctuation in your energy can have strange consequences. When the kundalini consciousness comes upon you and the infinity is there, the universe is there, you may find it frightening perhaps, and definitely it will overwhelm you. So, it’s very important that you remain steady, that you learn to always come back to your center, that you find the breath within yourself as your guide.



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When you practice kundalini yoga it is important that you remain precise in your consciousness. Just a slight fluctuation in your energy can have strange consequences. When the kundalini consciousness comes upon you and the infinity is there, the universe is there, you may find it frightening perhaps, and definitely it will overwhelm you. So, it’s very important that you remain steady, that you learn to always come back to your center, that you find the breath within yourself as your guide.

The Evolutionary Pathway as a Conscious Activity of the Yogic Mind


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G.O.D. Generate, Organize, Destroy. The three aspects within all creation in an infinite cycle of existence. As we create balance within our selves we take the witness perspective, the middle way. From this neutral stance we can watch the dramas of life without attachment, enjoying all the beauty and wonder of experiencing what the universe has to offer.

Chi and Maya are deeply related, we believe that the introduction of Flow Psychology into your core is one of the practices that become mare available through these classes on kundalini. Kundalini is an energy that allows us to learn. In this class, detox your meditation and have a good pace forward through your yin Intuition. Yoga and Bandha strengthen us from the inside for corrections of our stored stress and pain. Bhajan helps us prepare our physical and focused bodies for learning through videos. Love is like padma awakening, and when discovered online, yoga becomes yoga, and we are experiencing our movement and expansion grow to harness the yoga of the world. Dance and meditation are offered periodically, as we grow our senses so that we dissolve the samskaras with yoga.

Power comes as a result of developing breath through meditation, yoga, watching meditation videos, and using these holistic practices everyday. Sweat your heart out in our breath classes cultivating power and concentration. Anyone free from maya believes that flow yoga and yin practice provide expansion. Be strong in class, focus your senses and dance with the kundalini. Your purpose in doing yoga is to recieve energy from the yin, and gradually increase pace until you’ve achieved a focused yoga practice. The style of the class is Integral Hatha with pranayam, meditation, low impact vinyasa flow focused on strength, integrity and intention. Sukh called it Kundalini/Hatha fusion Online yoga promotes sleeping well. Meditation and Yoga work our core and prepare us to learn yoga. Love your samskaras, and utilize bandha with inner spiral movement to massage the muscles and achieve corrections through yoga.

Integral Hatha with Pranayam with Amelia K. Chapman


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The class focuses on intention. We will focus on the power of intention in movement and integrity within the asana and the self. We will begin with the breath and incorporate movement as meditation. We will then move into some accessible, but powerful asana and guided visualization, followed by music-assisted relaxation and gong meditation.

The style of the class is Integral Hatha with pranayam, meditation, low impact vinyasa flow focused on strength, integrity and intention. Sukh called it Kundalini/Hatha fusion

Teachers Bio: "I would come back to the asana in times of stress, whenever I needed to still my mind, or I was hoping to foster change. I really began to deepen my practice during my Music Therapy Internship- I found that asana helped to melt away the business of the day and still my whirring mind. The ability to be present to whatever was happening within body and breath became a space of sanctuary; an ongoing reminder to slow down, breathe deeply, and continue on. As I continued to journey, my practice evolved from an experience to an integral part of my day to day.

Amelia is a graduate of Seaside Yoga Sanctuary's Integral Awakening Teacher Training program, earning her Certificate in 2013. Amelia explored meditation, guided relaxation and breath work as part of her Bachelors from Duquesne Univeristy. She has also attended a 10 day Vipassana Meditation course in 2012, and has deepened her yoga studies with Gabriel Benjamin, Melina Mezza, and Christina Sell, Sukhmandir Sing Khalsa, Justin Bench, and many others.

Amelia approaches teaching Asana with a strong sense of alignment and anatomy; she offers modifications, tips and adjustments with sensitivity to the student\'s individual strengths and areas of growth. Amelia\'s background in Music Therapy and work in clinical settings comes through in a hands-on, person-centered approach. In addition to work in the community, Amelia has taught yoga in clinical settings, including forensic and hospital. Her classes often feature breath work, meditation, guided relaxation, chant and mantra work, live music and a creative approach to asana. Amelia currently teaches with Seaside Yoga Sanctuary, offering Hatha yoga, Restorative yoga, Partner Yoga, and a closed, 6 week Beginner Series.

Amelia studied Music Therapy at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, PA. She graduated Magna Cum Laude in 2008 with a BS in Music Therapy and a minor in Psycholgoy, then went on to complete a six month internship at Saint Elizabeths hospital in Washington, DC. Amelia obtained the MT-BC credential in 2010, and has been continuing her education and professional development as a Music Therapist, ever since. Amelia co-facilitates a monthly community drum circle with Cathy Rivera, MS, MM, MT-BC in Seaside, CA at Seaside Yoga Sanctuary.

"As a Music Therapist, I work closely with individuals and their treatment teams to develop music-based interventions that align with the goals, desired outcomes, musical preferences, background, and experience of each person. I especially enjoy encouraging clients to explore expression through creation- whether it is through song writing, composition, improvisation, learning an instrument or musical play. Always, we focus on the process of music making- the lessons learned, benefits gained, conversations along the way and personal growth that come are part of that process."