Tag: heart


Working on the Solar Plexus


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We must push ourselves a little bit and break out of our normal bodily routines. We must stretch our physical, mental and our magnetic field itself, to activate the chakras opening. The Kundalini is the essence that you first remembered when you came into this body. If you remember back far enough you will see yourself coming up thru this tunnel of consciousness into the light of this world. You’ve decided to make this conscious choice to be in this body and now you have to learn how to use it.

Members - Balancing the Ida and Pingala Nadis


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The silencing of the thought waves of the mind is the true definition of yoga. The postures and the breathing lead you to the point where you can silence the thought wave of the mind, so you can achieve that witness space, that separation between your mind and your true essence, the light within. The mind is your tool, you can train it very well, but it’s not you. This tool is for channeling the kundalini energy, this primal force, which starts at the Muladhara chakra, the base, and winds up to the crown center.

Balancing the Ida and Pingala Nadis


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The silencing of the thought waves of the mind is the true definition of yoga. The postures and the breathing lead you to the point where you can silence the thought wave of the mind, so you can achieve that witness space, that separation between your mind and your true essence, the light within. The mind is your tool, you can train it very well, but it’s not you. This tool is for channeling the kundalini energy, this primal force, which starts at the Muladhara chakra, the base, and winds up to the crown center.

members - Healing Ourselves with Kundalini


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This class is about opening the heart and elevating the kundalini energy with movement and breath to heal ourselves. By focusing our elevated energy with healing intent , together with subtle movement and awareness we are able to reinvigorate ourselves at a cellular level and aid our own body's defenses. Learn to use kundalini yoga as a way to heal yourself.

members - The Road to Self-Discovery


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The Road to Self-Discovery This meditation begins by envisioning the life force energy flowing straight down from the top of the head turning 90 degrees at your heart center and flowing straight out through your outstretched arms and cupped hands. The meditation ends by envisioning the energy as pooling in your cupped hands and slowly and lovingly placed into your heart center. Everything changes when we view the world through our heart center. When that selflessness within yourself manifests and when your frequency changes and turns passion into compassion. That is when life becomes graceful. That is when we are closest to our true nature.

Members - Balancing the Male and the Female


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This is what we do in this life, we share life with each other. When you reach the heart center you live for each other, you are part of each other, there is no difference between this person and you. The pain the joy, it’s shared. You’re still aware of your own body but the consciousness becomes universal. With this class, have a partner, if possible.

Philosophy of the Sphere


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The Sphere is the 8th chakra, your aura.
The long Ek Ong Kar is a primary trigger for releasing Kundalini Shakti from the core into the aura.

In this kundalini yoga set the long Ek Ong Kar chant is expressed to invoke the primal energy that created the whole universe. This mantra helps us to remember that it is important to be aware of whether our choices are being made consciously or unconsciously. In making these decisions we are becoming the introspective creator of our reality. This allows us to open the natural pathways of consciousness to overcome challenges.

This meditative mantra is an amplifier for creation. The first step is “vac siddhi” that allows the throat chakra to open. Kundalini must first be raisedin the body where the heart chakra is located. This chakra can only be opened through the feeling of authentic joy. Chanting this phrase allows you to perfect your words get introduced to the throat chakra, accomplishing the first step towards creating your universe in awareness. This practice can help to restore your spirituality, increase your connection in a gentle manner we invite you to find balance and stability in the flow of life. Repeating the sequence of sounds in this mantra will manifest your intentions fully as they are supported by the divine creator.

Balancing the Male and the Female


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This is what we do in this life, we share life with each other. When you reach the heart center you live for each other, you are part of each other, there is no difference between this person and you. The pain the joy, it’s shared. You’re still aware of your own body but the consciousness becomes universal. With this class, have a partner, if possible.

members - The Song of Our Life


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The Song of Our Life: Living in harmony with one’s own life’s song is where we want to be. This class provides a platform to experience a higher vibration perspective with kundalini yoga. We are so much more than is capable of being expressed in this human form.

Members - The Love of the Light Within Yourself


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Strength of character, strength of consciousness, but most important is what overcomes all of that which is the strength of your humility, the strength of your surrender to the light within yourself, not to a person ever, not to a teacher but to your own inner light. That strength of humility allows for grace which motivates the entire play of consciousness.