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The Definition of Kundalini

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By raising our kundalini in the most definitive way, we are raising our personal vibration to stand firm in the hectic energy of daily life. Creating a calming, joyous place of beauty within we have a space we can step into to breathe and center ourselves when we get stressed out. This allows us the freedom to respond positively and productively to what life gives us rather than reacting based on the past programming of our bio-computers.

The path of yoga requires consistent yoga practice and regular attendance to class. Whether you practice at home or receive the medicine of this biomechanical workout at the studio, you must do to the yoga in order to see its benefits. Yoga is used for creating a dynamic ease in the spine. This class will get you rooted in minutes and have your heart flowing into your hips. Knowledge of yoga brings energy to destress your body. Kundalini is an energetic yoga practice, utilizing breath to calm the nervous elements.

In this class we study apana and prana, principles in an yogi's energitc environment for awakening conciousness. Yogi Bhajan tells us that the body is a conscious machine, a vessel to hold consciousness, and at the root a divine egoless presence. The mantra "Ek Ong Kar" cures depression and creates a force of light and love for all to master their mind.

The Awakening Dream

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We must cultivate a strong self-worth, an ego that is able to merge with the infinite. We have to be humble and live a life of service to the other aspects of our Self. Let yourself evolve into a higher state of consciousness. Find the link between conscious and sunconscious, between wake and sleep, and cross over into awakened dream. This is where meditation begins. Where we transcend basic survival and go straight to sublime reality.

Empowered wellness is possible in this yoga sequence as we manifest our intention to cool-down the blood and a raise a flow of oxygen into our brains. Mindfully practice this dynamic relaxation and develop flexibility and awaken your meridians.

As you practice, Kundalini will eventually rise, giving relief and providing rejuvination. Mind-opening techniques of yoga can help lengthen our muscles, to find a balance from de-stabilizing intense emotions. Relax by breathing steadily and cultivate inner love and nurturing. Find your innate wisdom body through this kundalini yoga routine. We begin with a centering meditation of integrating wisdom, followed by physical kundalini yoga. Offer awareness to the things that need healing. This high practice brings rejuvenation to our knees and lower back. Live out your pure potential as a yoga warrior!