Tag: breath


Creating a Mythology for Yourself


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Learning how to use your mind and control it, learning the pathways of energy, but probably most important is knowing the intent of life itself. In the story of your life create a life that has balance, that has harmony, that has joy, that works together with all the varying parts. But keep the intent of your consciousness strong and stable, because that is what guides you. The intent of consciousness is consciousness itself.

Members - Stretching Both Ways


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The dynamics that we’re interested in this class, is stretching both ways. Your cobra pose for stretching back and the front bend stretch for stretching forward. The idea is to have balance and to tune in to your body. Some days you’ll have to work on different parts of your body, some days you’ll work on the lower triangle and on other days you’ll require more work on the shoulders and neck. Be coconscious enough of your body to change that routine if you need to, to work on the individual problems of the day.

On God Realization


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We create in this body thru kundalini yoga the strength not only of the nervous system but of the magnetic field itself to handle the energy of being GOD. The infinite horizon of consciousness is always there, beckoning, and all it ever asks you is how much can you take, how strong are you, how humble are you, how aware are you. That huge wave of consciousness is always ready to break should you take a chance to step into it.

Members - Rejoice in the Consciousness of Being Alive


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The possibilities of the infinite are beckoning you, and the horizon of consciousness is available to you, right now, at this very moment. What personality can you choose to have that allows you to be conscious, to be radiant, to be beautiful, to be self aware and yet seamlessly merge into that infinite consciousness. How can you create a personality to do that.

Stretching Both Ways


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The dynamics that we’re interested in this class, is stretching both ways. Your cobra pose for stretching back and the front bend stretch for stretching forward. The idea is to have balance and to tune in to your body. Some days you’ll have to work on different parts of your body, some days you’ll work on the lower triangle and on other days you’ll require more work on the shoulders and neck. Be coconscious enough of your body to change that routine if you need to, to work on the individual problems of the day.

Members - Cleansing the Magnetic Field


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If you could see yourself in your dream state, you would be aware of things that cling on to you. There are not only entities but distorted vibrational frequencies. The idea is to have your magnetic field so those things do not cling to you. The distractions you may be aware of will just fall off. When you create a disciple in your life, the frequency of vibrations that are not conducive to your growth in consciousness do not stick to you.

Rejoice in the Consciousness of Being Alive


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The possibilities of the infinite are beckoning you, and the horizon of consciousness is available to you, right now, at this very moment. What personality can you choose to have that allows you to be conscious, to be radiant, to be beautiful, to be self aware and yet seamlessly merge into that infinite consciousness. How can you create a personality to do that.

Members - Becoming Your Sadhana


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Sadhana is the spiritual practice. As you perfect your sadhana it becomes the way you are. You become your sadhana. Your spiritual practice and your life become one. It doesn’t mean you have to give up anything, it just means that you gather everything and you discriminate, which is both helpful and distracting.

Cleansing the Magnetic Field


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If you could see yourself in your dream state, you would be aware of things that cling on to you. There are not only entities but distorted vibrational frequencies. The idea is to have your magnetic field so those things do not cling to you. The distractions you may be aware of will just fall off. When you create a disciple in your life, the frequency of vibrations that are not conducive to your growth in consciousness do not stick to you.

Becoming Your Sadhana


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Sadhana is the spiritual practice. As you perfect your sadhana it becomes the way you are. You become your sadhana. Your spiritual practice and your life become one. It doesn’t mean you have to give up anything, it just means that you gather everything and you discriminate, which is both helpful and distracting.