Tag: breath


Waking Ourselves to Infinite Awareness


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members - The Infinite Large to the Infinite Small


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All of us have the infinite within us, we have the infinite smallness and the infinite largeness. That dynamic, between large and small, is what we are working on in this class. You'll feel yourself expanding and contracting, you'll feel yourself physically becoming bigger and then physically becoming smaller.

Healing of the People of this World


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members - Strengthening the Heart Chakra


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The class is for the Heart Center, the Anahat Chakra. The element it works with is air. To have the Heart Center open and useful you have to have the third center(Solar Plexus Chakra) balanced. That connection between a solid third center and the air of the heart has to be established.

The Infinite Large to the Infinite Small


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Strengthening the Heart Chakra


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members - And Your Kundalini Rises


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In Kundalini Yoga we gather the pranic energy, the life force, then we direct it up the spine. We seal off the lower centers then the energy rises, then we open up the heart center, the throat center, the third eye and ultimately the crown chakra, the thousand petal lotus. As you concentrate on each breath when you bring the breath to the base of your spine up to the third eye center, when you complete that cycle of consciousness and energy, then you liberate yourself from all doubt, then you live in the eternal now of consciousness.

members - Beauty Thru Radiance


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In this class you’ll practice sealing off the lower triangle, sealing off the sexual center, sealing off the center of power, pulling up the energy from the Muladhara Chakra. Learning to have control over the lower centers is the first and most prime example of what you have to do. If you don’t have control over the lower centers, no matter how much energy you get, no matter how much life force you take in, you’ll leak it out. So you must learn how to control your lower centers. You have to keep that lower triangle balanced. Not that you can’t be a part of this life, but that you have conscious control over the energy flow in your body and you just don’t waste it, which is what most people do. All the creative forces, all the life you have, all the love that you create in this body, is done by opening the heart center. As we change our frequency to a higher frequency, it changes the planet, it changes everything we come in contact with, and it works on very a subtle level. This is where true change happens, this is where the environmental movement starts, with your own self, with your own light, and once you make that connection with your own light, everything happens naturally, because the light is the guiding force.

And Your Kundalini Rises


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members - Strengthening Your Self-Awareness


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This class is for strengthening your self-awareness, not your ego but your self-awareness of your own body, strengthening the nervous system so you can handle the kundalini, so you can handle the changes that are coming in your life. In this form of this body the energy flows in many ways but the most common, the most positive, most yogic way is up and down the spine. Think of it as an elevator of consciousness allowing you access to different vibrational frequencies.