Tag: breath


Conscious Healing


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Conscious Healing "Change is the only real constant" Consciousness unlocks and directs vast stores of healing life energy as the unconscious blocks we've carefully placed in our way give way. Health is achieved by strengthening and improving our connection to the life energy, peace, compassion and love that surrounds each and every one of us

Members - The Grace of Intent


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When you tune into the infinite expansion and contraction, when you allow yourself to feel that within yourself, it creates the double helix, right and left, Ida-Pingala waves, and in the center of those wave is your pathway of light and consciousness. It’s always the frequency of the vibration between large small, right left, light and dark. The frequency of the contrast determines your life. This is how you judge, this is how you deal with being a yogi. You change your frequency to match the frequency that you’re trying to tune into.

What Matters is Your Concentration on the Breath


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The aspect of yoga is to quiet the thought waves of the mind. You can do that with drugs, and you can do that with many things, but the idea is quieting the thought waves consciously with your own self will, which is beyond the mind itself. And following that train into that quite part of your mind, to go through the space between the conscious and the super conscious, between the dream state and the astral state, between meditation and sleep; to consciously cross that threshold, and as you practice yoga you will find yourself crossing that threshold more and more often, consciously.

Members - Kundalini Yoga with Sata Nam


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Just be in tune with your own body. It’s called Kundalini Yoga, the yoga of awareness. Its when you know how to keep yourself flexible in your spine and its to know also when you do need to go and get some assistance in putting humpy together again.

The Grace of Intent


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When you tune into the infinite expansion and contraction, when you allow yourself to feel that within yourself, it creates the double helix, right and left, Ida-Pingala waves, and in the center of those wave is your pathway of light and consciousness. It’s always the frequency of the vibration between large small, right left, light and dark. The frequency of the contrast determines your life. This is how you judge, this is how you deal with being a yogi. You change your frequency to match the frequency that you’re trying to tune into.

Kundalini Yoga with Sata Nam


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Just be in tune with your own body. It’s called Kundalini Yoga, the yoga of awareness. Its when you know how to keep yourself flexible in your spine and its to know also when you do need to go and get some assistance in putting humpy together again.

Members - Explorers of the Uncharted Regions of Consciousness


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Just when you think it’s the hardest in your life, just when you’re very irritated, take that moment of the most stress and remind yourself, with your breath, that you’re an infinite being in this awesome outrages life where beauty, consciousness, and the wonder of it all is there for you to experience. Be kind to yourself, take that moment during the day, to remind yourself, and you’ll find that as you do, these moments will become more and more frequent, until you, with every breath you take, will remind yourself of that state of consciousness. And it becomes natural, just as natural as breathing.

Members - Come Back to Your Diaphragm


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The primitive ego going thru the reptilian brain can force its way into the gates of heaven, but it can’t live there and it doesn’t belong there and it feels insecure there. So the changing of the reptilian brain into the higher centers creates a personality that feels graceful and lives on the infinite horizon as a place of birthright. This is what we do, creating that personality, that software, that feels at home in the presence of the universal spirit.

Explorers of the Uncharted Regions of Consciousness


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Just when you think it’s the hardest in your life, just when you’re very irritated, take that moment of the most stress and remind yourself, with your breath, that you’re an infinite being in this awesome outrages life where beauty, consciousness, and the wonder of it all is there for you to experience. Be kind to yourself, take that moment during the day, to remind yourself, and you’ll find that as you do, these moments will become more and more frequent, until you, with every breath you take, will remind yourself of that state of consciousness. And it becomes natural, just as natural as breathing.

Come Back to Your Diaphragm


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The primitive ego going thru the reptilian brain can force its way into the gates of heaven, but it can’t live there and it doesn’t belong there and it feels insecure there. So the changing of the reptilian brain into the higher centers creates a personality that feels graceful and lives on the infinite horizon as a place of birthright. This is what we do, creating that personality, that software, that feels at home in the presence of the universal spirit.