Tag: agility


Members - Kundalini Foundations


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You’re in your sphere. The sphere is breathing you, pulling you apart. Movement of the ribs and diaphragm, long slow deep breath. Get that breath all the way up to the collar bone. Keep the energy contained in the sphere, try for no thinking. Remembrance of the oxygen molecule. Understanding that it is now interfacing with your blood, changing your whole resonance. The appreciation of this is true pranayama.

Kundalini Foundations


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You’re in your sphere. The sphere is breathing you, pulling you apart. Movement of the ribs and diaphragm, long slow deep breath. Get that breath all the way up to the collar bone. Keep the energy contained in the sphere, try for no thinking. Remembrance of the oxygen molecule. Understanding that it is now interfacing with your blood, changing your whole resonance. The appreciation of this is true pranayama.

Courage to Stand for Your Dreams with Nihal Kaur


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You have your vision in your sight. What does it take to realize it. What does it take to be there as a stand, to stand there for your dreams and desires, for all that you know to be true for life, to become everything you meant to be. It takes courage. Courage means heart. Yogis lead with their hearts because we invoke courage with our every step as we bring consciousness within every cell of our body.

Members - To Bridge the Conscious to the Subconscious


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All the things of value are found within. All the appreciation of the wonders of the universe start within. Without that joy of life within, none of the outward jewels and rubies, money, none of it matters, and none of it certainly has any value. Its always within and then without.

To Bridge the Conscious to the Subconscious


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All the things of value are found within. All the appreciation of the wonders of the universe start within. Without that joy of life within, none of the outward jewels and rubies, money, none of it matters, and none of it certainly has any value. Its always within and then without.

Members - Balancing the Male and the Female


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This is what we do in this life, we share life with each other. When you reach the heart center you live for each other, you are part of each other, there is no difference between this person and you. The pain the joy, it’s shared. You’re still aware of your own body but the consciousness becomes universal. With this class, have a partner, if possible.

Philosophy of the Sphere


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The Sphere is the 8th chakra, your aura.
The long Ek Ong Kar is a primary trigger for releasing Kundalini Shakti from the core into the aura.

In this kundalini yoga set the long Ek Ong Kar chant is expressed to invoke the primal energy that created the whole universe. This mantra helps us to remember that it is important to be aware of whether our choices are being made consciously or unconsciously. In making these decisions we are becoming the introspective creator of our reality. This allows us to open the natural pathways of consciousness to overcome challenges.

This meditative mantra is an amplifier for creation. The first step is “vac siddhi” that allows the throat chakra to open. Kundalini must first be raisedin the body where the heart chakra is located. This chakra can only be opened through the feeling of authentic joy. Chanting this phrase allows you to perfect your words get introduced to the throat chakra, accomplishing the first step towards creating your universe in awareness. This practice can help to restore your spirituality, increase your connection in a gentle manner we invite you to find balance and stability in the flow of life. Repeating the sequence of sounds in this mantra will manifest your intentions fully as they are supported by the divine creator.

Balancing the Male and the Female


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This is what we do in this life, we share life with each other. When you reach the heart center you live for each other, you are part of each other, there is no difference between this person and you. The pain the joy, it’s shared. You’re still aware of your own body but the consciousness becomes universal. With this class, have a partner, if possible.