- Aesthetic Powers and How to Survive Them
We all walk that razors edge in consciousness between light and dark and good and evil, but that’s the path of the spiritual being. You have to put yourself on that vision of the infinite universe. On that very narrow path that your walking there is no support. There is no reference point except for […]...
- The Ocean of Consensus Reality
Runtime:58min The Ocean of Consensus Reality Following the breath, sealing off lower triangle, using the mind to free itself. (programming default modes in your bio-computer to infinite horizons. The tools to watch your mind from the perspective of pure awareness. Balance and Joy! ...
- Balance
Runtime:57min Balance This class is on balance, balancing the subtle body, the physical body, balancing the pranic flow of life force within the body. We're not the personality, its the inner light that we relate to in each and every person, so don't let your mind wander, with each inhale, follow it all the way to the base of the spine, and with each exhale, allow the energy to rise up the spine. Your job in this class is to keep conscious of your breath, don't let one breath go unnoticed. See if in this class you can keep your mind from wandering, see if you can keep your mind from doing what IT does best, running away, with each inhale inhale wah, with each exhale, exhale guru, the dispeller of darkness and bringer of light. ...
- The Consciousness of this Class
In this class of kundalini yoga, it’s your birthright to be God conscious and experience the infinite universe while you are in this body. It will only stop when you have had enough. Most people get scared, get satisfied or get distracted. Usually you will find yourself either keeping up or being satisfied where you […]...
- Love, The Selfless Feeling Within Ourselves
Runtime:57min Discerning Intellect of the Yogic Form Alignment of the magnetic field and self interpretation of the symptoms of discomfort, redirecting the flow of prana (life force) with Mulbandh, and sealing the lower triangle (locking the first three centers). ...